Pimlico State High School first opened in January 1959 with six teachers and 168 students. Initially, classes were held in the Exhibition Hall at the Townsville Show Grounds, however by April, 'B' Block was completed and students moved to the present school site.
Before the zoning of the land for education purposes, the site known as 'Anderson's Paddock', was used as a military base by American forces during World War II.
The first Principal of the school was Mr J.A.Wolfe B.Sc., followed by Mr M.J.Bourke B.A.
1959 Teachers
Front Row : Miss D.G.Gault, Mrs P.F.Hollis, Miss E.M.Gibson
Back Row : Mr S.D.Jones (Janitor), Mr C.J.Weld, Mr J.A.Wolfe (Principal), Mr J.T.Gould, Mr J.W.Johnson
School Events During 1959
In October 1961, the Minister for Education, Mr Pizzey, officially opened the school.
In 1962, the school was gazetted as a Class II High School and gained its first Deputy Principal, Mr B.Shaw B.A.. The first matriculation students from Pimlico entered the University College of Townsville (then situated on the site of the present TAFE College - Pimlico Campus) in 1963.
In 1964, the school enrolled 500 Year 8 students and in 1966 a number of our ex-Year 12 students became some of the original undergraduates of the new James Cook University at Douglas.
Total student numbers at the school increased rapidly from the mid 1960's, with numbers peaking at 2043 in 1975. In this year, Pimlico State High School became the largest high school in Queensland. Today the school's enrolment is approximately 1710.