
School council


​Pimlico State High School is an Independent Public School. ​


The functions of a School Council are to:

  • monitor the school's strategic direction
  • approve school plans and policies of a strategic nature, or other documents affecting strategic matters including the annual estimate of revenue and expenditure for the school
  • monitor the implementation of the plans, policies and other documents mentioned above
  • advise the school's principal about strategic matters

A school council may not:

  • interfere with management by the school's principal of day-to-day operations of the school and its curriculum
  • make operational decisions about the use of teaching or learning resources at the school
  • make decisions about the individual teaching style used, or to be used, at the school
  • make a decision that is contrary to law or a written policy of the department
  • have control of funds
  • enter into contracts
  • acquire, hold, dispose of or deal with property
  • sue or be sued 


The Council consists of student, staff, parent and community representatives. The Executive Principal and the Parents and Citizens Association President are automatic members of the Council.​

​Ricardo Peach
​Appointed Member​
​​Iain Gordon
​Appointed Member
​Polly Adams
​Parent Member
​Yvette Rimmer
​Staff Member
​Polly Adams
​P&C President
​Stephen Baskerville
​Executive Principal

​Student Member

Our School Council

​Ricardo Peach

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​Iain Gordon

I am Professor Iain Gordon & have been on the School Council since 2015. I am now the Chair of the Council & enjoy the perspective this gives into the workings of the Pimlico State School. I am always awestruck by the talents of the students, for example in the Pimlico Presents showcase held each year. A little bit about myself, I came to live in Townsville in 2003, when I took on a job at CSIRO, I have also worked at James Cook University and am now an Adjunct with JCU and CQUniversity. I am a wildlife biologist and work on projects to reintroduce wild animals to areas that used to be their home. I work in Australia and around the world. Finally, I hope that I can bring strategic thinking into the School community as I want to help Pimlico, its students & staff be the best that they can be.


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​Polly Adams

My name is Polly Adams and I am the parent representative on the school council. Originally from London UK I have lived mostly in Australia since arriving here as a backpacker in 1996. I have lived in Townsville since 2004. I trained as a doctor in the UK and have worked as a doctor in Palliative Care until 2021 when I changed to become a teacher of medical students at James Cook University. I have been involved with P&C organisations since my children went through Mundingburra State School and have been Pimlico P&C Vice President since 2021. I feel I have a good grasp of the school and ​am an avid supporter of Pimlico SHS. It has been wonderful for my children, 2 have finished and are now at university in Cairns and Brisbane, and I have 1 child in grade 11. I hope to be a good parent advocate on the school council and listen and reflect on proposed policy with the students and parents in mind.
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​St​ephen Baskerville

​Yvette Rimmer

Last reviewed 07 February 2025
Last updated 07 February 2025