Pimlico State High School is an Independent Public School.
The functions of a School Council are to:
- monitor the school's strategic direction
- approve school plans and policies of a strategic nature, or other documents affecting strategic matters including the annual estimate of revenue and expenditure for the school
- monitor the implementation of the plans, policies and other documents mentioned above
- advise the school's principal about strategic matters
A school council may not:
- interfere with management by the school's principal of day-to-day operations of the school and its curriculum
- make operational decisions about the use of teaching or learning resources at the school
- make decisions about the individual teaching style used, or to be used, at the school
- make a decision that is contrary to law or a written policy of the department
- have control of funds
- enter into contracts
- acquire, hold, dispose of or deal with property
- sue or be sued
The Council consists of student, staff, parent and community representatives. The Executive Principal and the Parents and Citizens Association President are automatic members of the Council.
Ricardo Peach
| Appointed Member
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Iain Gordon
| Appointed Member
| Chair
Polly Adams
| Parent Member
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Yvette Rimmer
| Staff Member
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Polly Adams
| P&C President
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Stephen Baskerville
| Executive Principal
Our School Council
Ricardo PeachDr Ricardo Peach is the Executive Director of the Australian Festival of Chamber Music (AFCM) in Townsville-Gurambilbarra, North Queensland. The Australian Festival of Chamber Music is a unique, internationally acclaimed event presenting a 10 day program of over 30 concerts and special events.
He is on the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University's Industry Advisory Board and the School Council for Pimlico High School.
Ricardo was born on the lands of the Khoi and the San, the First Nations peoples of Southern Africa, in Mpumalanga, and moved with his family to Australia in the 1980s. He currently lives in Townsville-Gurambilbarra, Australia, on the lands of the Wulgurukaba and Yunbenun; and Bindal people.
Iain GordonI am Professor Iain Gordon & have been on the School Council since 2015. I am now the Chair of the Council & enjoy the perspective this gives into the workings of the Pimlico State School. I am always awestruck by the talents of the students, for example in the Pimlico Presents showcase held each year. A little bit about myself, I came to live in Townsville in 2003, when I took on a job at CSIRO, I have also worked at James Cook University and am now an Adjunct with JCU and CQUniversity. I am a wildlife biologist and work on projects to reintroduce wild animals to areas that used to be their home. I work in Australia and around the world. Finally, I hope that I can bring strategic thinking into the School community as I want to help Pimlico, its students & staff be the best that they can be.
Polly AdamsMy name is Polly Adams and I am the parent representative on the school council. Originally from London UK I have lived mostly in Australia since arriving here as a backpacker in 1996. I have lived in Townsville since 2004. I trained as a doctor in the UK and have worked as a doctor in Palliative Care until 2021 when I changed to become a teacher of medical students at James Cook University. I have been involved with P&C organisations since my children went through Mundingburra State School and have been Pimlico P&C Vice President since 2021. I feel I have a good grasp of the school and am an avid supporter of Pimlico SHS. It has been wonderful for my children, 2 have finished and are now at university in Cairns and Brisbane, and I have 1 child in grade 11. I hope to be a good parent advocate on the school council and listen and reflect on proposed policy with the students and parents in mind.
Stephen Baskerville
Steve Baskerville is the Executive Principal of Pimlico State High School. An experienced Educator, Steve has worked in schools across North Queensland for nearly 20 years. Originally a Marine Biologist, he spent his formative professional years employed at Reef HQ and Billabong Sanctuary. His teaching area was Science, and he has been recognised as the Microsoft Innovative Teacher of the Year for QLD and through a Peter Doherty Professional Science Leadership Award, both in 2011.
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