Pimlico utilises an evidence-based framework to support high quality teaching and learning across the school. Teachers worked collaboratively to develop a pedagogical framework suited to our content, while also reflecting the latest evidence and research. 
Our framework places students and their wellbeing at the centre and systematically addresses elements of teaching such as curriculum intent, assessment, differentiation and higher order thinking.

To support teachers in implementing our framework, the school uses a model of collaborative inquiry, supported by a team of pedagogical coaches.
In 2017, the school is focused strongly on embedding effective practices in relation to curriculum intent:
Pimlico SHS Pedagogical Framework
Watch this video to learn more about the development of our Pedagogical Framework and our focus on Curriculum Intent:
Video: Pedagogical Framework - Curriculum Intent
Watch this video to learn more about the collaborative inquiry cycle and coaching processes that support the implementation of our pedagogical framework:
Video: Pedagogical Framework - Coaching and Collaborative Planning
Or videos can be found below.