The Pimlico State High School Alumni group has been developed to support ongoing connection for past students and staff and also to continue the links within and across the school. The Alumni not only serves to provide a connection to the school but allows past students to share a contribution with the future Pimlico High graduates. This association may take many and varied forms including partnerships through professional or technical expertise, financial support or contribution at school events and celebrations. The Alumni group will provide an ongoing relationship between you and Pimlico in ways that best suits your needs whilst celebrating and commemorating your time at the school.
To be added to the Alumni database, please complete the form below and return to alumni@pimlicoshs.eq.edu.au or drop it off in person to our friendly front office staff.
If you are looking at planning a school tour as part of your reunion, we are offering guided tours twice a year. The first for 2025 will be on Saturday August 9.
If you would like more information about the tour, please get your group coordinator to contact alumni@pimlicoshs.eq.edu.au.