Submission of applications:
- Please note that enrolment applications must be either submitted in person or, in the case of being out of the area, posted to the school.
- Applications can not be submitted via email.

Music Excellence
Global Studies
- Subject Selection Form (to be available in Term 4)
- Year level Handbook (to be available in Term 4)

Please browse our "Curriculum" tab for more information about the different courses offered at Pimlico SHS.

Documents required for enrolment
Identification and confirmation of age
- Child’s Birth Certificate (original must be shown)
Eligibility for enrolment (if born outside Australia)
- Australian Citizenship Certificate
- OR Permanent Australian Residency document,
- OR Passport and Visa (for students of other nationalities).
School reports
- Child’s school reports for the previous two semesters
- Child’s most recent NAPLAN report (for Year 7 or Year 8 applications)
Parent’s principal place of residence (inside catchment applications only)
Parents or legal guardians who wish to enrol their child at the school will need to demonstrate that the principal place of residence is within the catchment area. Current proof of residency at the address indicated can be provided by way of one of each of the following:
- One primary source a current rental/lease agreement, or rates notice, or unconditional contract of sale; and
- One secondary source a utility bill (e.g. electricity) showing this same address and parent or legal guardian’s name.
If the Principal is not satisfied that the documentation provided by an applicant demonstrates adequately that the address stated is the principal place of residence, then the Principal may request further sources of proof of residency.
Application for Programs of Excellence
Relevant documentation required to be submitted for entry through our Program of Excellence in Music will be outlined in the Application for Enrolment pack and must be completed and returned by the due date listed.

- 2025 Year 8 - 12 enrolment packs available: Monday 17 June 2024
- 2025 Year 8 - 12 enrolments accepted for processing: 8am, Friday 26 July 2024 at the PAC